Our Services

Our Services

At CDSS, we understand the difficulty you face with your debt burden and believe with our background we can represent you in an effective way because we know the internal operations of collection agencies.

At CDSS, we offer you a fair assessment of your debt situation. We believe in transparent and honest representation with no surprises. Let’s have a confidential discussion so we can tell you what we can do for you.

At CDSS, we take pride on staying current on all industry laws and regulations. Did you know debt settlement laws called the Ontario Collection and Debt Settlement Services Act require:

  • Debt settlement companies taking fees for debt settlement services must register under the Act and be licensed to operate
  • Upfront fees for debt settlement services are prohibited
  • Limiting the total amount of fees a debt settlement provider can charge
  • A 10-day cooling-off period during which the debt settlement services contract can be cancelled without a reason

CDSS supports these regulations and is fully compliant with them. Integrity is central to whom we are and your interests will always be put first – guaranteed!