
Trust Results Experience Knowledge

Contact us and CDSS will take you on the right TREK
Are you in collections? If you have outstanding debt that has been sent to a collection agency, you need help. There are laws that govern and regulate the collection industry. At CDSS, we know the law and your rights will always be protected.
Are you receiving threatening demand letters? Collection agencies can be extremely aggressive and intimidating when it comes to sending you their letter notices. At CDSS, we are very familiar with the letter cycle and know how to deal with them accordingly.
Are you getting persistent live agent and robo calls? Relentless and annoying calls are the last thing you need as you work to resolve your debt issue. At CDSS, we will get the calls to stop and address the issue head on with the collection agency.
With CDSS on your side, you’ll be back on the path to being debt free.

Stop the calls and letters

As your representative, we will direct all calls and letters to us.

Reach a negotiated lump sum settlement

We know how they think and what they are willing to settle for.

Repair your credit rating

Once your debt is paid, it will be reported to the credit bureau as a positive rating.

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